Krealya is a platform which propose 3 kinds of activities :
- KREATIONS : this is where you share your art with everyone and see their stuff, you can interact with each creator by liking, commenting and giving them advices about their content. If the creator thinks you helped him he can thank you, then we will reward you for helping him with exp point and in-site money.
- EVENTS : Events are created by the moderation team, each can be very different but they will challenge you to create art and surpass yourself to gain a lot of exp and on-site money, the winners will be highlighted on the 3 sites. (details can be very differents for each events, you can see them directly on the event detail page)
- PROJECTS : Projects can be created by anybody, at anytime. You can create a project about anything, and have the possibility to create 'job offers' to recruit interested artists. You can also use it just to create a hub to share things with your friends.
- EXP / COINS : The 3 sites of Krealya (Krealya/Kreeindy/KreaMatch) work with a system of exp (experience points), lvl (levels) and coins (blue ans gold).
Gaining levels will serve you to show your implication with the community and gain credibility and trust from other members, which can be useful when you want to sell your services to them or if they want to hire you on their projects.
You can acquire exp by :
- helping other artist grow by giving them advices
- gaining a certain number of likes on your kreations
- participating and/or winning an event
- helping other on the kreeindy services
- participating to KreaMatch's matchs or judging them
There are two types of coins :

The blue coin, rare, will only be gained with the level-up, mounths of subscriptions or on certain events. They can be used to purshase a lot of services on the sites like highlighting your kreation for a specific duration, accelerating match judgment (KreaMatch), highlighting your artist card (KreeIndy). You can buy 1 blue coin with 50 gold coins.

The gold coin will be gained by helping another artist, surpassing a specific number of likes on your kreations, reporting abusive or inapropriate content, participating and/or winning an event, winning a Kreation's match, judging a Kreation's match, finishing a contract on KreeIndy. You'll also gain a specific number of gold coins with level up and each mounths of subscriptions.
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