KREALYA has been created by Kodokyu, a french independant artist who thinked that all the art-sharing plateforms were forgotting an important point about what the artists wanted when they upload their art: feedbacks and visibility. "I think every artist deserve more than just a place to archive their work. The art-sharing plateform must try by every way possible to help every one to have access to a minimum of visibility and feedback from others, that's how we all make progress as artists after all."
This Plateform was built to create a true online art community, and try to be a "hub" where an artist can do everything he/she need to do for his/her art on the internet: - Share it and optain feedback and visibility - Sell it to make a living out of it - Confront it to other artists - Use theirs arts skills to helps others in projects - Sell theirs arts skills to peoples in need The journey Krealya will not be an easy one, we will try to take as many feedback from you, artists, to try to accomplish that goal.